Maillette Family Chiropractic

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Maillette Family Chiropractic

With flu season upon us and serious new viruses like Enterovirus D68 making the rounds, keeping blood levels of vitamin D at optimal levels can be truly lifesaving especially for children and the elderly.

Flu is actually vitamin D deficiency disease, not a happenstance occurrence in your life because you didn’t get a flu shot or sat next to a coughing person on the train to work.

Sucralose, marketed under the brand name Splenda, is a bestselling artificial sweetener around the world, and is associated with many side effects.

By Dr. Mercola

Vitamin D deficiency is a pandemic in the United States, but many Americans, including physicians, are not aware that they may be lacking this important nutrient. 

By David Gustitus, D.C.

In his 1910 text, The Chiropractor’s Adjuster, D.D. Palmer identified the causes of vertebral subluxation as the Three T’s— thoughts, trauma and toxins. Since that time, we have expanded our understanding of how these factors impact our body’s function, but the basic concepts Palmer laid down for the profession he founded have survived the test of time.

The nervous system and immune system are hardwired and work together to create optimal responses for the body to adapt and heal appropriately. Neural dysfunctions due to spinal misalignment’s are stressful to the body and cause abnormal changes that lead to a poorly coordinated immune response. Chiropractic adjustments have been shown to boost the coordinated responses of the nervous system and immune system.