Patients of the Month

Dr. Maillette’s December Patient of the Month

Stephanie Davis

stephanie davis

“I started coming to Maillette Family Chiropractic when my husband insisted they could help me with the trouble I was having. I had a number of issues with my digestive system and went to my family doctor thinking they were the only ones who could help me with this problem. After being referred to a specialist for numerous procedures, and finally diagnosed with Colitis and Cyliacs disease, I was prescribed a drug that would cost me almost $1000 a month and it would only work temporarily. I felt I had to give chiropractic a try. I have been a patient since November of 2010 and I have been free of my digestive problems since at least January. I see Dr. Eric on a weekly basis and have not felt better! I would like to say thanks to him for caring enough to help me get to where I am today! Free of pain and an issue that was embarrassing to deal with.”